Food & Nutrition

Enhances food security and strengthens the local food and nutrition network through partnerships, increasing access to fresh produce, and expanding services in underserved areas. Additionally, the program serves as an umbrella organization, offering small grants to strengthen the capabilities of local food providers in Harris County.

What we do

  • Increase access to food and nutrition by improving food distribution infrastructure within Harris County 
  • Provide services related to food and nutrition in neighborhoods or to individuals that have been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic or are in known food deserts within Harris County
  • Act as an umbrella organization to provide small capacity-building grants to hyperlocal food providers within Harris County

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Program Outcomes

As Harris County Public Health continues to develop the infrastructure and resources to address disproportionate health disparities in diet-related illnesses and improve the health outcomes of Harris County residents, our program’s vision is to provide the following resources through our community partners:

  • Consistent access to affordable fresh produce through community organization connection and distribution, mobile markets, and school programs 
  • Increased visibility and enrollment in state benefits (SNAP, Double UP, etc.) 
  • Nutrition education and cooking demonstrations 
  • Offer discounts on fresh food to organizations serving low-income families 
  • Expand lived experience input 
  • Provide infrastructure grants to expand organizational capacity